Wednesday, 24 June 2020

malai chop sweet ......

1 cup         - milk powder
500 ml      - milk                                 
1/2            - sugar
1 beaten    - egg
1tbp          - cardamom powder

method :-
1. Boil the milk with cardamom . Add Sugar and milk . Stir continuously or else it may get burnt at the bottom.

2. In the mean time prepare the dough. Combine egg, ghee and sugar together . In another bowl combine powder milk  . Mix the egg mixture with it. It will form a very sticky dough. Keep it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes .

3. You may find difficulties shaping the milk balls from that sticky dough .Grease your hand with ghee and make balls from the dough . Add the balls into the milk when it is in the boiling point . Just because the dough was sticky , you may not make fully round shape. Don’t worry . It will fall flat into the milk and will give the shape of malai chop . Cook at medium flame until doubles up . Flip over the sweet balls carefully ..Don’t cover with lid.

4. After doubling up reduce the heat a little more and cook uncovered at medium low flame for at least 10/15 minutes . It will get bigger in size . 

Your malai chop is ready!!!!!!!!!!


stuffed baingan recipe

  सामग्री:-                         आधा किलो छोटे बैंगन  2  प्याज बारीक़ कटा हुआ  1 बड़ा चम्मच अदरक लहसुन  का पेस्ट  2 टमाटर बारीक़ कटा  1 चम्म...